May 30, 2008

Less Busy is a Good Thing.

(Photo: Willow keeps me company while I work late) (Technically she slept in the chair beside my desk and utterly ignored me, but that counts as "company". Right?)

After being consumed for the last two week in getting ready for the conference and then being away for four days to actually do the conference, I was deep, deep, d-e-e-e-p in the weeds when this week started out. Happily I'm slowly digging my way out, thanks in part to the really slow telephones at the office today (honestly, the phone was so quiet today that I actually picked it up several times to make sure our T1 line wasn't out of service). All that time off from talking to pesky clients and vendors gave me a whole day to whip through the mountain of paperwork on my desk, and so I was a workin' producin' machine all day. By the time I left the office I could actually tell what color the top of my desk is. It's beige. Who knew?

And being out of the weeds is an especially good thing because my nephew Mildew, er Matthew is coming down next week to hang out with us and watch Morley do some engineering, and we really, really want to enjoy every single minute of the week we have with him. So being caught up is good.

And not looking like a bag lady is good too, so after I left work I headed straight to the nail salon for a much needed and long overdue tune-up on my hands and feet, and when I got home at 7:45, Morley had dinner waiting for me. All in all, today was a great day and even though I'm posting this at 12:37 AM (I'm going to bed right after this I swear) I feel like I'm getting on top of things.

Or at least I felt that way until I glanced over to the corner of our home office and saw this:

The mountain of boxes filled with stuff for the upcoming nuptials is growing by the minute, and my list of things to do between now and September 6 is huge.

Well, heck.

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